Duty to provide information
It follows from section 13 of the Code of Conduct of the Danish Bar and Law Society that we, as lawyers, must inform our clients of the following:
Legal Entity and Contact Information
Christensen Partners Advokatpartnerselskab, CVR no. 40 63 65 52, Lautrupsgade 7, 2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark.
Christensen Partners may be contacted by telephone + 45 45 80 40 40 and via the email address contact@christensenpartners.dk.
The lawyers with Christensen Partners are all appointed by the Ministry of Justice in Denmark and are registered in and members of the Danish Bar and Law Society.
Christensen Partners has taken out a statutory liability insurance and provided a guarantee in accordance with the rules laid down by the Danish Bar and Law Society. The lawyer liability insurance covers all law firm activity, regardless of where the law firm activity is exercised. Christensen Partners' liability insurance and guarantee has been taken out with HDI Danmark, CVR no. 37 27 62 51, Langebrogade 3F, 1411 Copenhagen K, Denmark.
Choice of law and venue
Any disputes about Christensen Partners' advice must be resolved in accordance with Danish law and by the competent Danish court.
Legal Aid
When Christensen Partners undertakes a task for a client, it is examined to what extent public or insurance legal assistance can be obtained according to applicable law or insurance taken out by our client.
The rules
The lawyers at Christensen Partners are subject to the Danish Bar and Law Society's supervisory and disciplinary system and by the rules on good lawyer practice, cf. section 126 of the Administration of Justice Act. In addition, the ethical rules for lawyers apply. The rules that apply particularly to the practice of the law profession can be found on the Danish Bar and Law Society's website www.advokatsamfundet.dk.
In case of a dispute over fees charged by Christensen Partners and/or dissatisfaction with the conduct shown by one of Christensen Partners' lawyers, the client can complain about the size of the fee and/or the behavior to the Disciplinary Board of the Danish Bar and Law Society, Kronprinsessegade 28, 1306 Copenhagen K, Denmark.
Client Account
The Act on Guarantee for Depositors in connection with bankruptcy of financial institutions entails that the same rules apply to the amounts of money Christensen Partners' clients have in the bank via a client bank account with Christensen Partners, which applies to the amounts of money that our client himself places in the bank. If a bank becomes subject to reorganization proceedings or goes bankrupt, the depositors (the customers) may lose that amount of money in excess of € 100,000, the depositors have in the bank. The same limit applies to ordinary bank accounts and client bank accounts, which means that Christensen Partners' clients potentially - if the bank becomes distressed - will lose amounts in excess of € 100,000. If Christensen Partners' clients both have money on their own accounts and on Christensen Partners' client bank account in the same bank, our client can only recover a total of € 100,000 via the guarantee scheme. However, the cover maximum is greater in connection with real estate transactions, where the guarantee covers up to € 10 million.
Christensen Partners has a collective client bank account with Danske Bank, and unless otherwise agreed or disclosed, trusted funds will be deposited with Danske Bank.